September 15, 2024

Backpack Ministry –For the month of September, our church is concentrating on collecting donations of macaroni and cheese. Please place your donations in the totes at the entrances to the church.

Ladies Bible Study– Ladies Bible study has started meeting again on Wednesday mornings at 10:00am. We have started a new study “That I May Know Him”, studying the book of Philippians and Colossians. We look forward to learning with you!

FALL REVIVAL 2024  Make plans now to be a part of this GBC family gathering on October 13-16th. Our lineup features Pastor Justin Hall of Cedar Bluff Baptist Church in Atkins, VA and lots of special musical guests. Each night will feature an inspirational message and encouraging music to keep our focus upon Jesus Christ..

XYZ – XYZ will meet on Monday, September 23rd at 12:00pm for a covered dish luncheon. Linda Heagland, a local author, will present the program.

Shoebox Ministry– The shoebox ministry is requesting socks for both boys and girls ages three to fourteen. Please place your donations in the totes at the entrances to the church.

Note from Anna Damron – For the church year, a notebook of historical keepsakes has been compiled and is displayed on a card table near the fellowship hall.  Go by and check out our year in archive pages.

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